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Tag: pharmaceutical recall


Drug Recall Risks During – and After – a Global Pandemic

Until a few months ago, few if any senior executives had personal experience managing a company during a pandemic. Making matters more difficult, there’s really no recent history to consult to determine what perils lie ahead, which processes worked, which didn’t, and how to plan for a recovery once the crisis passes. Unfortunately, this uncertain environment seems likely to continue for the foreseeable future.

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Expert Spotlight on Barbara Blumenfeld & William Garvin

BARBARA A. BINZAK BLUMENFELD PH.D.Shareholder, Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Barbara’s Background Dr.

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Future Cost of COVID-19 on Pharma Manufacturers

As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to increase worldwide, numerous questions and a tremendous amount of misinformation cloud the issue. Many remain confused about how the virus is transmitted, how dangerous it is, and what treatments for it may be available. The good news is that the safety of our food has been given a clean bill of health so far. Research indicates that food and food ingredients aren’t a transfer source for coronavirus.

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Product Recalls Stabilize, But an Upsurge is Expected

While U.S. product recalls were relatively flat from the second to third quarter, expect an upsurge in the weeks and months to come as regulators – under growing pressure from Congress and consumer groups – turn their attention to currently unregulated categories.  Part of that pressure on regulators is a result of past handling of product safety issues.

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