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Tag: global recall


Don’t Be Fooled. Undeclared Allergens Aren’t Going Anywhere

The rise in contamination recalls, driven by advancements in testing and increased regulatory scrutiny, has received a lot of attention in recent months. It’s easy to forget the prevalence of other causes of food recalls, including undeclared allergens. In fact, the number of recalls due to undeclared allergens increased each quarter in 2016, rising from 40 in Q1 to 105 in Q4. While these recalls make up a smaller proportion of recall activity compared to contamination, their share was fairly consistent throughout 2016.

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Global Recalls: A Tale of Two Companies

In an increasingly global marketplace, more and more recalls are global as well. Companies that encounter a safety issue may find a number of global complexities at play. Notification, transportation, disposal, and reporting requirements can vary drastically across borders. In many cases, a recall may not even be mandatory in certain markets. Recently, two companies found themselves facing this situation. Their approaches were very different – and so were the consequences.

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Recall Remedy and Resolution on a Global Scale

Every aspect of a recall is more complex when it must be executed on a global scale, but two stages stand out as especially challenging: remedy and resolution. Whether it’s a medical device that must be repaired, a consumer product that requires a refund, or a medication that needs to be returned and replaced, the sheer scope of a global recall often makes the task more difficult.

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FSMA Rules Finalized…Now What?

When someone thinks of terrorism, food is unlikely to be the first thing that comes to mind. But experts say an attack on the food supply would accomplish terrorists’ goals – inflicting a large death toll, provoking widespread fear, and delivering a major blow to the economy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s

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It’s a Small World – and Getting Smaller

Exports are on the rise in the U.S. – nearly doubling as a percentage of GDP in the last 30 years. As more companies go global, recalls become even more complex. This is especially apparent when it comes to call centers. Once a recall has been announced publicly, call centers are the first point of contact for affected customers. In any recall, these should be staffed with specially trained representatives who can show compassion without deviating from the message. In a global recall, there are additional factors to consider.

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